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New Year's Warning: Don't Drink and Drive, Plus Responsible Party Host Tips

Written By: CarPro | Dec 26, 2023 4:37:00 PM

New Year's Eve celebrations are just days away and with that comes a CarPro reminder to enjoy your holiday festivities responsibly.

NHTSA Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign

Expect stepped-up police enforcement during one of the most dangerous times of the year on the nation’s roads. The NHTSA annual holiday Driver Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign runs through January 1, 2024.  The agency reports that recent data shows December drunk driving deaths are the highest in almost 15 years. Last year, the agency reports 304 drunk-driving related deaths during the Christmas/New Year holiday period. That's up from 209 drunk-driving related deaths in 2020.  

How To Be A Responsible Party Host

If you are hosting a New Year's Eve party this year,  urge your friends and family to designate a sober driver any time they plan to consume alcohol and follow these tips to be a responsible party host:

  • Encourage guests to designate a sober driver in advance. As an incentive, reward designated drivers with a small gift or door prize.
  • Provide designated drivers who can escort guests home safely.
  • Collect keys at the door and monitor guests throughout the evening.
  • Provide plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages for guests, including coffee and tea.
  • Stop serving alcohol at least an hour before the party is scheduled to end.
  • Don't serve alcohol to minors.
  • Keep an eye out for anyone who appears to have had too much to drink and take the keys  from anyone who has.
  • Keep the phone number or app for local cab companies or ride-share services handy.
  • Help arrange overnight accommodations including allowing guests to stay at your house.

You could be held responsible for serving alcohol to a guest who later is involved in an accident and imagine the guilt you’d feel if your guest got hurt or killed or did this to someone else. It takes planning and coordination, but you can prevent drunk driving. 

Everyone at the Car Pro urges drivers not to drink and get behind the wheel over the holiday season or any other day of the year.

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