thanksgiving dinner


Just For Fun:  Cooking A Turkey On Your Car Manifold

Written By: CarPro | Nov 17, 2022 3:03:45 PM

 We are always trying to help you here at the CarPro. We give you Kevin’s famous holiday recipes every year,   and for those of you multitaskers out there,  here's how to actually cook your turkey (well, at least some of it) on your engine manifold on the way to grandma's house. 

You'll need a semi-long road trip to do this, covering about 220 miles since it takes about four hours to cook, stopping to turn it once. As we alluded to earlier, you also won't be able to cook a whole turkey. You'll have settle for the turkey breast, about five pounds of it, and cut it into slices then put it in foil.  This is according to the authors of the popular book Manifold Destiny: The One! The Only! Guide To Cooking On Your Car Engine  It was published in 1989 - with the last revision listed as 2008.   

manifold-destiny-book-credit-simonand schusterPhoto Credit: Simon & Schuster.

Keep in mind that engine's are more insulated than back in '89. So finding a hot spot to cook your turkey might not be so easy. But once you've found it you'll need to place your foil-wrapped turkey slices there and secure it with some metal wire.

The idea of cooking on an engine isn't new.  According to Yahoo! it's been around since the 1920's with cooking accessories to prove it. Just check out the this Model T cook box.

It goes without saying any undertaking involving a vehicle's engine should be taken with caution.  Here's the recipe if you'd like to it a try.


  • 1 Boneless turkey breast, about five pounds, sliced into thin strips against the grain
  • 3 large baking potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 3 carrots, finely diced
  • Dry white wine
  • Flour for dredging
  • Butter for greasing foil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Three-quarters cup heavy cream

1. At home, combine the turkey, potatoes and carrots into a bowl with the wine and cover. Marinate two hours in the refrigerator, then drain well (and don't drink the wine). Setting the vegetables aside, dredge the turkey pieces in flour, then heavily butter five large squares of foil. Arrange equal amounts of turkey and vegetables in each square, and season with salt and pepper as desired. Cup the foil around the turkey and vegetables, and pour over each serving as much heavy cream as you can without making a soupy mess, then seal carefully.

2. Cook on the engine about four hours, turning once. 

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Photo Credit:Brent Hofacker/