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Just For Fun:  How Old Are Your Reaction Times?

Written by CarPro | Oct 20, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Have some time on your hands and want to work on your reflexes? Well, this will be right up your alley.  It's a interactive driving test from UK-based JustPark. It's designed to test your reaction times, aka, reflexes, and then guess how old a driver you are.

The Emergency Stop game works by putting you in the virtual driver's seat. You drive down a virtual road and when you see a big red hand flash in front of you, you put on the brakes, by pressing any key on the keyboard. Then, the game calculates how old you are based on your reaction time.  

The test is based on reaction times of 2,000 people ages 18 and over. The Reaction Time Test plotted their reaction times by age and it matches your reaction time to those averages.  Some of the results may surprise you. Data reportedly found that left-handed people and men have slightly better reaction times than the average person.

To take the test, click here or on the photo below.

Photo Credit:  JustPark